Please read the following completely before proceeding. Thank you!
The RAZ Mobility Accessible Application Installer is an application designed to offer a selection of useful applications for people with disabilities and make it easy to install applications that are accessible. The RAZ Mobility Accessible Application Installer was developed, and is supported by RAZ Mobility, LLC. RAZ Mobility did not develop the applications included in this installer, does not guarantee their performance and does not warrant their fitness for any particular purpose.
Once you start this application you will see a list of application categories by type of disability. Please select the one of the categories. After selecting one of the categories, you will see a list of applications selected by RAZ Mobility. Below the description of each app you will see the user app rating and if it’s a free or paid app.
To install any of the applications:
1. Please tap the icon for that app.
2. You will be taken to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
3. Install the app.
4. After the installation has completed, an Open button will appear.
5. PRESS THE BACK BUTTON (Android) or PRESS THE HOME BUTTON and return to the Installer app (iOS). This will return you to the list of applications in case you wish to install additional apps.
6. Go back to step 1 and repeat for each, additional, application you’d like to install.
Important Notes:
1. If you press the Open button (referenced in step 4) after installing an app, it will open the installed application. To get back to the list of apps, please press the back button several times (Android) or press the home button and return to the Installer app (iOS).
2. Depending upon the version of Android or iOS your device is running, some of the apps may not be compatible with your device.