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Voiceitt2 Launched: First of Its Kind Stand-Alone Voice Application for People with Speech Disabilities Now Available to Customers

New app employing advanced voice AI offers transcription, dictation, and AI integrations for users with speech disabilities; available to individuals and organizations through authorized reseller, RAZ Mobility.

TEL AVIV, Israel and STAMFORD, Conn.,/PRNewswire/ — Voiceitt, the leading provider of speech recognition technology for non-standard speech, today announced the release of Voiceitt2. The new web application, powered by the company’s next-generation technology, will be available to customers through its partner and authorized reseller, the assistive technology company, RAZ Mobility.


Voiceitt’s new web app employs voice AI to help people with disabilities connect, communicate, and be more independent.


Voiceitt 2 revolutionizes the way people with speech disabilities interact with technology. After an initial onboarding, the web application allows people with speech disabilities to speak spontaneously and be understood by family, friends, teachers, and others. The app allows someone with a speech disability to be understood by translating the user’s non-standard speech into standard speech. The app also enables users to transcribe conversations, dictate notes, and seamlessly integrate with popular AI assistants such as ChatGPT, in an abundance of new contexts. Webex capabilities are available as a Voiceitt add-on enabling accessible transcription and captioning during video meetings.

Voiceitt2 will be available in English as browser-based software for bulk license purchase to organizations and to individuals in North America. Availability in the UK and Australia is anticipated in 2024, with additional languages and geographies expected to follow.

RAZ Mobility is a leading provider of mobile assistive technology and developer of their signature RAZ Memory Cell Phone for individuals experiencing cognitive decline, especially dementia. RAZ Mobility is also an innovator in the development and sale of mobile devices specically for people who are blind, and it trains and supports people with disabilities on the use of iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. The company sells its products and services directly to consumers, government, and select resellers. A key component of RAZ Mobility’s mission is to give back, which it does by sponsoring support groups for its customers caring for loved ones with dementia.

“The launch of Voiceitt2 is an important milestone in the evolution of Voiceitt’s technology and business,” said Alyson Pace, CEO of Voiceitt. “Voiceitt’s rst product, an iOS app, was game changing for its ability to help people with speech disabilities express their wants and needs, and to access and control devices through voice commands, thanks to a unique integration with Amazon’s Alexa. Voiceitt2 brings these existing use cases to the next level, by empowering people with speech disabilities to speak spontaneously. With the proliferation of new voice AI applications and use cases, I’m excited to witness the creative possibilities our community members will explore, enhancing productivity, fostering connections with loved ones, and bringing their ideas to life using their voices. We couldn’t have found a better partner than RAZ Mobility to put Voiceitt2 in the hands of users.”

Both Voiceitt and RAZ Mobility are active participants of AARP’s AgeTech Collaborative and have beneted substantially from the Collaborative’s extensive support and activities. “We are thrilled to see the incredible advancements from Voiceitt and the natural afliation with RAZ Mobility,” said Rick Robinson, VP & GM of the AgeTech CollaborativeTM from AARP. “This is exactly the kind of collision we hope to see among participants in the Collaborative portfolio, where both companies complement and connect with one another to the benet of ever- larger audiences.”

Robert Felgar, the CEO of RAZ Mobility, acknowledged Voiceitt2’s unique position in assistive technology, blending advanced and inclusive voice AI with an accessible user experience. He said, “Voiceitt2 occupies a special niche within our eld. By catering to the diverse needs and preferences of users, Voiceitt has developed an inclusive solution that addresses the speech and motor challenges they face. The launch of Voiceitt2 allows RAZ Mobility to provide comprehensive support for individuals with disabilities, enabling them to express themselves condently using their voices. We are proud to partner with Voiceitt to bring this impactful product to market.”

For full details on pricing and product specications, please visit


Where to Buy

Visit for further details on deploying the Voiceitt application to your teams and organizations, and to inquire about licensing. Reach out to learn more regarding general availability, staff training, licensing for the North America region.

The Webex capabilities require a Voiceitt add-on, please contact Voiceitt at for more information.


About Voiceitt

RAZ Mobility offers cutting-edge mobile solutions for individuals with disabilities. These solutions encompass mobile devices and mobile applications. RAZ Mobility develops its own solutions, as well as resells the solutions of others, where RAZ Mobility believes that the solutions of others are unique and highly benecial to individuals with disabilities.

RAZ Mobility sells its solutions directly to consumers, wireless providers, to certain resellers, as well as government organizations, such as the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and State equipment distribution programs. Learn more about RAZ Mobility at


Media Contacts:

For Voiceitt:

Sara A Smolley
Co-Founder & Vice President, Partnerships


For RAZ Mobility:

Robert Felgar