Published: July 18, 2019
RAZ Mobility highly recommends Noonlight, a private emergency dispatch service that can be accessed through mobile apps on Android and iOS devices. The service is completely free! The app allows users who are hard of hearing or deaf to communicate with the private dispatch service, as well as emergency PSPAPs, through text message. This is a great option for consumers served by PSAPs that have yet to implement text-to-911.
Once the app is installed and an account has been created, in the event of an emergency, simply open the app and tap the large blue button (you can’t miss it; it covers more than half the screen). The user will be provided ten seconds to enter a PIN to cancel the emergency notification. If the user does not enter the PIN, a well-trained person from Noonlight will contact the user by text message and offer assistance. When necessary, Noonlight can contact 911. Note that the user can also contact Noonlight by using the Google Assistant and saying “tell Noonlight to send for help.”
Noonlight can provide the 911 emergency dispatcher with the user’s location information. Noonlight can also save basic medical information about the user, including any information about any disabilities or health conditions. Noonlight will provide this information to 911.
The fact that the communication between the user and Noonlight is done via text message is great for people with hearing loss. The Noonlight app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the App Store.
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